A Documentary For Our Tumultuous Creative Age


PressPausePlay is simultaneously the most disheartening and inspiring documentary I have ever watched. Moby's comment about the Grey Goo of mediocrity taking over the world seems like a very possible reality. When an hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second it's hard to imagine how anything rises to the top.

But somehow, someway there is goodness that gets shared the world over. The section of this doc I loved was at the 48th minute: The Craft is Gone. If there was one nugget I wanted everyone to watch that would be it.

I loved it because underneath the hopelessness was a consistient message: craft still matters. People who don't start on the computer, who have an understanding of how things were and how things are, who understand that the process is part of the product can and will succeed.

Work that has flaws and shows some semblance of humanity sticks out like a sore thumb now. And if the goal is to get noticed that's a great thing. Perfect shiny things are a dime a dozen because polish is now the easy part.

Slickness is nothing to celebrate. Great craft and great thinking are.