Don't be an Individual. Seriously, guys. I mean it.

I'm no Mr. Rogers - the whole sweater getup isn't my style - but this video is one of my favorite examples of remembering that people who are individuals tend to do memorable things.

It's been nestled at the back of my mind since my friend showed it to me while I was preparing to give my own commencement speech. The speech is not only perfectly delivered it is also hauntingly true.

Because Nick* understands and articulates what is so great and what is so terrible about being individual. He shows what putting yourself slightly outside norms can do.

It reminds me a lot of the struggle to get in to advertising. (duh, you say. That's the point of this blog)

There are going to be times that you feel disconnected from other people. It comes with the territory of being creative.

Your thoughts might be a little off kilter. Your thought process can put you outside the ingroup. And while you work on your first, second, third, umpteenth book you're going to put in hours of work that make others question your sanity.

This doesn't mean you're not going to have friends or fit in with people. You might be tremendously social and a great conversationaliist. But there will be times where you feel different and that's not a bad thing.

Because you can fit in and do very little. Or you can be an individual and do something spectacular.

*Of BriTANicK fame. If you haven't seen their videos check out this, this and this.