Four more years! Four more years!

Every year around this time, I evaluate what's going on here. What I like about the last year of blogging and what I don't. I want to start off this newest year with an apology. 

Apology for turing this into some preachy advice-blog that it was never supposed to be. I never liked the idea, or notion that this was, or has been just an advice blog. That feels cheap. Trite. Because there are people far better and more experienced than me to dole out advice. It was, perhaps, naive to start a blog offering advice. It should be about stories, thoughts, little things that made me laugh. About life as it relates to advertising. If you take something away from that, that's great. 

If not, well, sorry.

This does not discount any or all of what I wrote before. Some of it I truly love and love to re-read when I need to remember how fiery I could be. The anger in some of these posts is still palpable. It just doesn't feel right to be offering advice when I'm still trying to figure things out.

This change will certainly a shift in what I hope is a positive direction. It's more freeing, if anything. More exciting because blogs can be about anything. They should be about anything. It's only when we carve out these little fiefdoms that we worry about being off brand. Or doling out advice day after day because that's "what people have come to expect".

So thank you everyone (anyone?) who has stuck with me though these four years of blogging. I'm amazed it's lasted this long. Hopefully it'll be even better in the year to come.

And here's to a better, brighter, less banal year of blogging!