Han Kjøbenhavn knows how to do cool.

Fashion advertising is something I never quite understood. It's always felt a bit like looking at one a renaissance painting where every object represents something else.

Then, yesterday, I saw this fall/winter preview for Han Kjøbenhavn (a Dutch designer, in case you were wondering.)

On one hand it is a typical empty fashion film. Not saying much other than "if you wear these clothes you'll be this cool."

On the other hand it's so much more than an empty fashion film. It has aggression. It has a personality. Everything is slightly different. The casting is great. the color pallate is great. And the scenes are completely surreal while staying grounded. It reminded me of a Paul Thomas Anderson or David Lynch film.

Most telling, it works for me as an ad. Because it makes me, someone with very little interest in fashion, want to buy clothes. 

Though, maybe that's a bad sign.