How to get hired.

Don't look for advice.

Strange advice coming from a blog that provides -erhm - advice to aspiring creatives.

But it is painfully true.

From what I can see it's becoming the prevailing logic among the best CDs out there.

They feel people who are trying to break in to the ad industry are becoming too risk adverse.

People are playing it remarkably safe.

Which is anything but remarkable.

People are asking to fit in.

When they should be demanding to stand out.

All the best advice I've seen about books strays far from specifics.

Much like formula ads no one is going to enjoy a formula book.

There is no "top ten ways to a surefire book".

There's no best practices.

Because there shouldn't be.

If your book isn't built on originality and creativity there a good chance your work won't be either.

So stop asking for advice.

Stop asking for permission.

Make something you're proud of.

And affect someone in a positive way.

It'll give you the best chance of getting hired.

Note: While I was drafting this Dave Trott released "How to get Laid" on his blog. It's very good and also illustrates my point.