I want to be you.

Yesterday in class we were practicing interview techniques. Specifically we were asked to give our ‘elevator pitch’ in response to the question, “So, tell me about yourself.”

The person I was paired up game me the answer, “I’m Kyle*, and I want to be you.” I was so flattered, this dude wanted to be me! Needless to say I thought it was a great answer. Then I started to think more on his response and it started to trouble me. I came to the following conclusion:

I don’t think anyone should want to be you.

There is a definite problem about defining oneself through another person. All Kyle was saying was that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of other successful people. Well that might be all well and good in other fields, but advertising is not just another profession. I have already written about complacency (read it here) and I do not like it. There is a reason we are called creatives and if you are willing to use the trail someone has already paved for you maybe it’s time to reevaluate.

As a young creative there is a wealth of knowledge that I can learn from people successful in the field already. It is also ok to want to work with, work at or on something with a creative I look up to. But as far as desire to be a certain person, that doesn’t quite work for me.


*Name has been changed because this is not pointed at him.