Jiro Makes Sushi You Can't Even Dream Of

There are quite a few things I love about this trailer:

  1. No frills. There's no ultra-hip office space. No liquid nitrogen or gastronomic gimmicks. Rice, fish, sauce. This is the basics done in an exceedingly obsessive way.
  2. Admission of imperfection. Although Jiro isn't quite sure what he is trying to reach he knows he's not there yet. What keeps him going is the idea that he may one day make sushi that is perfect.
  3. Humility. Both Jiro and his son are humble about what they've accomplished. Lesser chefs would be on TV shouting about 3 Michelin stars. They don't even seem phased by it.
  4. Dreams! Imagine being so steeped in your craft that it seeps into your sleep. That you dream of grander things than you already do. Maybe this is already the case.
  5. Uberquotable quotes. Including: "You have to love your job. You must fall in love with your work." "Jiro's son needs to be twice as good just to be equal!" "I'll continue to climb trying to reach the top...But no one knows where the top is!"
  6. The hand motion he makes at 1:47. A flick of three fingers commands respect. I want to make a GIF of this moment.

Maybe I'm crazy, but this is possibly the movie I'm most excited for in 2012.