Pop. There goes the ego.

That's about what happened when I came across Dorm Room Tycoon. It was everything I meant this blog to be, and so much more. It was started because three guys were disappointed with what they got in college and has evolved into something wonderful.

They have interviews with people of all stripes. People who I've thought about reaching out to but haven't. People who I never even imagined accessible. People like Luke Sullivan, Mr. Hey Whipple himself. A tweet of his introduced me to the site.

The interviews are a bit Herzogian. The hosts never speak too much, they let the interviewee spew out more information than he may feel comfortable with. Every interview I listened to is well done and imparts a bit of wisdom.

This ordeal is a sobering reminder that I haven't been taking my own advice as much as I should. That I haven't been brave enough with this space. Brave enough with the outside world.

In about a week I'll be graduating but the blog isn't going to stop. There are still people out there in sub-par terrible ad programs. People who want to learn but don't know where to start. There's also so much room for growth with Ad Caulk. I'll always need a place for thoughts and exploration.