Richard Feynman

I've written about Richard Feynman before, but i never understood how incredibly special he was. Here's a video of him explaining Psychics.

via. TED

Now I'm lousy at science. Therefore I have always 'hated' it. Really I didn't pay it much attention because I was told I was lousy at it.

He managed to get me extremely interested in it. More importantly, he had me nodding along in understanding. He explained it in a way that makes it so easy to grasp on an elementary level.

Never for a second did I feel like I was being talked down to. Instead, I felt like I was being talked to.

He's not lecturing, he's not pandering he is talking about science in the way that makes the most sense. Which is pretty incredible. When's the last time you had someone explain science to you in terms like "shake" and "jiggling"?

As a matter of fact when's the last time you remember anyone describing anything like this? There was a time when ads, not all ads but the good ones, were written like this. Some still are, to an extent.

But if we should be a little less worried about being academics about the products and start being salespeople. A salesperson understands exactly why someone needs a product and how to communicate that to them.

Which is really what Feynman does in this video. He sells science. And he is nothing short of ecstatic to be doing it.