Scientists develop ass-kicking machine. Productivity soars:

It's been a while since I last blogged. I did some tumblring but that not really the same thing here. I'm not sure why I haven't come up with anything to post. Or why i didn't just force myself to sit down and bang something out.

Today I got George Lois' new book, and a kick in the pants. By chance I happened to randomly opened to essay 98: "A single day without work panics me. How about you?"

Honestly, it is a bit frightening to not work. And the worst part about not working is thinking about not working. Watching the minutes in a day tick away while I toil aimlessly looking at tweets, tabs and videos. Hopelessly searching for inspiration when the only inspiration that matters should come from my own head.

The worst part about this whole thing is ignoring my own advice and the advice of so many I respect. The most important thing to do is think and write, even if it's not good at first.

Hopefully I don't forget THAT and fall back into a rut again. It feels as though my rust is showing.

This is hardly one of my best posts but it should get me back into the practice of writing regularly. A practice I have missed very much. Thanks for bearing with me.