Scott Adams Please Don't Hate Me!

This is another entry into my blog series.

Admittedly this is a blog I used to read long ago. Lost. Then rediscovered rather recently. And upon rediscovery I read page after page, kicking myself for stoping in the first place.

It's the Dilblog, the offical blog of Dilbert writer Scott Adams. The content is infectiously good. Although some of the articles concerning science make my brain hurt. Ok, I have to take a nap after reading some of them.

You see, Scott Adams is a genius. Not in the 'oh-he-is-smarter-than-me-so-he-must-be-a-genius' way. In the he got accepted into mensa way. In the taking a complex argument and making it understandable to a layman. Usually in the space of half a page.

There is just something intriuging about the way he looks at the world. The way he describes his experiences and the way he interacts with people and the world around him.

Scott hates marketing with an extreme passion. With that said I find it remarkable how similar many of his insights are to people who have been very succesful in advertising. Although divergent in topics they all discuss the world in the same way, see the way things should be as something remarkably simple. A way of thinking that just seems to escape most people.

I hope Scott won't hold it against me that I am writing about him on a blog about advertising. But if he does there's probably a good reason behind it. Perhaps the marketing department picked on him in one of his earlier jobs.

Hey, it could have happened.

Check out, read until your brain hurts.