Stare in awe at the magnificent, out of print, books.

This afternoon the Director of Strategy, at agency where I am interning this summer, stopped by my desk. In his hands he held two objects emitting a golden light. He stopped, turned to me, and said, in a voice reserved only for angles;

Stare in awe, at the magnificent out of print books. These tombs, taken directly from the golden age of advertising, contain the sage like knowledge of those who came before us. Study them with acute attention; for these books contain knowledge bequeathed to us by gods.

Alright, he didn't really say that. He said something along the lines of, "Take good care of these." In his hands were a copy of Bill Bernbach's Book and D&Ad's The Copy Book. Last week I had asked him if he had them and he remarked that he didn't but would get them for me.

I think it is incredible that he ordered them and I'm excited to read knowledge from some of the greats. I took the picture below to document this occasion. If it's a little blurry that's because my hands were literally shaking from the excitement.