"That's all there is"

Hello again. I'm currently reading through the 1999 book "Why are you creative?" by Hermann Vaske. It sounds like a book that would be terrible and trite. But it isn't. 

I thought Jay Chiat perfectly distilled the reson to be creative. So I thought I'd post that here. Here it is:

Vaske: Why are you doing what you are doing? Why are you creative?

Chiat: Because that's really the only joy left in this business. To look at a piece of work and say I'm really proud I did that or my agency did that. So it simply boils down to when you go to a dinner party and someone asks you what you're doing, you say you're in advertising. There's an opportunity to be embarassed or proud. The only way you could be proud is if you work in an agency that does good work. So if you boil it down to the really simplistic rewaards in this business, that's all there is.