Want To Improve Your Work? Start Thinking It's Terrible.

You see that? Did you see that? Because I watched it and fell in love with this movie. And that's before I've even seen the full thing!

The passion drips off of the film. The excitement of the beats, the excitement in the interviews, the delight on 9th wonder's face. It is infectious.

There was one line that stuck out to me more than any others.

I made my first beat in 98'. I thought it was terrible.

That awareness of his skills when he was just starting out is incredible. That feeling that he wasn't quite good enough but the drive to make beat after beat until he got good. Ira Glass is another person who has gotten successful using this method.

Sometimes like 9th Wonder and Glass and countless other you don't have the proper training. You aren't given the right tools to execute your vision perfectly. But you still have a vision. And some people will stop at nothing to see that vision through.

Your work may suck for a while. A while longer than you hope for. But with enough time and enough effort it will get better.

Note: I am a professed beat fanatic. There are times that I don't even notice lyrics because the beats are so good. That might be another reason I enjoyed this trailer so much.