Unrestrained Ideas.

In June we had a mini agency-outing to see Roger Water's THE WALL at Wrigley Field. It was nothing short of phenomenal.

The show blurred the lines between forms of entertainment. It was hard to tell what sort of show we were watcing. 

Was theatre, cinema, music? I still can't tell you. The entire preformance was an amalgam of those aspects.

It might not be possible to think the same way after seeing something that enormous. Impossible to scale back the notion of what things could or ought to be. It's freeing to understand what people can do with the right combination of ambition, talent, and imagination. 

Massive sums of money don't hurt either.*

Perhaps my boss said it best. After the show he turned to me and said, "the best thing is that this was somebody's idea." After seeing The Wall no idea could possibly be too big.

A massively important lesson.

*Which was my only sticking point about the show. Anti-capatilist messages while people sipped on $7.50 beers and tickets went for hundreds of dollars. 

1 response
Nic to neznamená, tohle není diagnostický seznam, uložil jsem si to sem hlavně pro sebe. A i kdybychom to chtěli použít k diagnóze, k toju je třeba doktor a roky praxe, protože třeba pod "chronická únava nebo nedostatek fyzické energie" si každý představí něco jiného, v zásadě by to o sobě v nějaké míře mohl říct každý, ale jen v nějaké velké míře by to mohlo znamenat symptom a co je to velké zná doktor nejspíš z praxe. Tak. Ale pokud si myslíš, že máš podobné problémy jako jsou v tomhle seznamu, které trvají, doporučuji si tu knížku přečíst (teď ji půjčím @grasevina, pak ji můžeš mít ty).