Weekly Linkly

Back, better, and more weekly than ever before. Here's your weekly linkly:

  • Where's the most corruption in advertising? Not the creative department, or the digital department, nor the accounts. The scourge is spelled M-E-D-I-A. (Honestly, if you want to make gobs of cash just make a better media company. I'm not number inclined to do this but you should. You're welcome for your millions.)
  • Denounment by George Tannenbaum. It's about the hollow rhetoric you can expect to hear after most client meetings. When a meeting goes really well you only hear one phrase, "They're going with X. Let's get to work."
  • Moby is offering his entire catalogue to indie filmmakers. For free.

New Studio Ghibli movie. Must watch.


Jeff Lynne is incredible. (via)

Fish battle on land!