Weekly Linkly

It's not fancy, but it's links.

 Three(!!) quotes from Joe Sedelmaier: director of Where's The Beef and FedEx Fast Talking Man.

On most of his commercials:

[When you watch it] that's funny. But if you read it it's not funny. It's not jokes; it's performances.

On directors and style

I hear a director say 'I consciously don't have a style' and I think 'What's a hack?'

On clients

People want the unexpected—as long as it's what's expected.

video time!

Remember those VR helments at arcades that showed you the world through a tiny screen? Well this is like that but instead of a virtual world it is showing you the world you would have already seen. Still cool. (via) <-- you should always click the via!

I imagine a creative's mind exploded and created this video. This video is brains. (via)