Why the Olympics couldn't have been held in the United States

This video.

Possibly the best 5 minutes from the entire Olympics. And it wouldn't have been run here for a variety of reasons.

First, it had the audacity to mention slavery. Prime time television doesn't talk about slavery here, it's not done. 

Second, it's about race. Again, that's not something that gets talked about on US TV outside of "community issues."

Third, there is the assertion that black people could be genetically superior to white people (at least when it comes to sprinting). Can you imagine the complaints this would create here? As long as people like this are watching TV, there's no chance any channel here would want to mess with their ratings with this documentary. 

Four, it makes you think. If there's anything NBC did well this Olympics it was making sure the viewing public didn't have to think. Every performance, every "Olympic Story" was constructed to keep the public comfortably numb. This video was thought provoking and tackled semi-taboo subject matter. That wouldn't fly here.

This year's Olympic Games were many things. With videos like this, bland wasn't one of them.

video via Dave Trott