The Anger™

You are staring into your computer screen. Seething while you read this post.

You're angry with your ad program.

You question. What have they ever done for you?

You rant. They haven't prepared you right. The only campaign in your book is a case study from ad principles. For water wings.

You sob delicately in to your hands. Your school's internship postings are a "who's who" of "who's that?"

And across the vast expanse of the internet you have encountered how much better other schools are at teaching advertising. School like* UT Austin, VCU, U of Oregon, Emerson, BYU** ect. ect. ect. Or perhaps you've come across something great that art school that you wanted to go to. But your parents wanted you to get a four year degree at a "real college".*** 

Those places have guest speakers.

Their students have campaign after campaign of brilliant work.

They have classes you would simply die to take.

I understand.

I've been there. And, to be completely honest, I'm still there some of the time.

But we need to cut that out.

Because the very thing that breeds our discontent is the best resource you can use to supplement your education.

That's right folks, the big beautiful internet is a place where you can learn a myriad of things!

VCU always livetweets their Friday speakers who, while you'd prefer to see them in person, have some serious insights about the industry.

Youtube has video after video of creative directors giving advice about getting in to the industry. For free!

The students at the schools you envy all blog, tweet and stream - ad infinitum - about their own curriculum. You can follow along and even try your hand at their assignments.

I've written in the past about some of the blogs I enjoy reading but I recommend you find some that resonate with you. I've also posted videos that have helped me shape the way I think about advertising.

In turn all of this has a positive effect on my work.

Your situation may not always be the best but instead of getting pissed just remember that you always have the internet.

*by the way if you are here and still looking at undergraduate programs these are some of the best I've found.

** Yes. The LDS school. I am not shitting you. The work they put out is really really good.

***art schools are really cool. if you know that your passion lies in the arts or the kind of thinking art schools teach I applaud that. one of my biggest regrets is not applying to any art schools. so it goes.