You can probably do more.

What you need to do is hit this link and hop over to Angela Natividad's post about Ramon DeLeon.

Marketing 2.0 in Paris: An impromptu interview with #RamonWOW

You need to watch the video and read the entire post. Yes it is long but it is so worth it.

Doesn't listening to him make you incredibly happy? Inspired?

It did for me.

Ramon does so much to grow and sustain his business in the social sphere that it makes my head spin. He is constantly reaching out to customers, engaging them and getting them to post content for him.

His work ethic and tenacity are incredible and he makes me wonder if I am putting in enough.

No matter how thin you are stretched you should be asking yourself what more can you do. What more can you do with your book, your work, or yourself to become the most desirable (therefore most hire-able) person you know?

Ramon sees something he thinks might be beneficial and explores and exploits it to the fullest. If he can do it for pizza and his business you should have no trouble doing something to make yourself stand out.

This doesn't mean latch on to the newest thing. But ask yourself if there is a way to exploit it using your interests. That's when anything becomes truly beneficial.

Just ask two questions:

  1. What can I do to get myself noticed?
  2. What can I do to improve the quality of my work?

The rest should fall into place after that.

edit: Ramon even took the time to comment on the post written about him. How many people on earth do that?!