You shouldn't care that you don't know how.

The other night I was talking to one of my close friends. He was considering changing his major because he thought he might be interested in working in the music industry.

I thought it was an awesome idea. He's always about two steps ahead of the rest of my friends when it comes to music and has a decent amount of passion.

But he was worried about making the choice. Mostly because he had no idea how to  approach this route. He didn't know what classes to take, what it took to get in to the industry or even if they had a major suited for it at his university.

He was stuck in the world of 'but-I-don't-know-how"

that's a place where you'll spend a lot of your time breaking into the ad industry.  Thoughts will swirl in your head like:

But I don't know how to put together my first book.
But I don't know what agencies are looking for.
But I don't know if there are even any jobs out there.
But I don't even know where to start.

The one thing you can't do is let these thought preoccupy too much of your time. If you get caught up in them then you'll never get your book together, let alone get a job.

The problem is that people go around looking for checklists. Ticking off the boxes on their way to success. If I do this then I will get X. But by now we both know that's the not the way it works in the advertising field.

So if you want answers go seek them out. Go on google, call up an agency and look at the work of people that you admire. Whatever you do don't get stuck saying 'but I don't know'.

Note: I'm writing this post on thanksgiving and one of the things I'm most thankful for is 'the fear'. The fear that one day I'll wake up my my brain just won't be able to eek out one more creative thought. In turn it motivates me to think creatively every day and keep proving myself wrong. SO I guess I'm thankful for the motivation 'the fear' provides.