Stephen Fry's Planet Word

(Sorry I haven't posted in over a week. I hope you can forgive me.)

Stephen Fry is one of my favorite thinkers/TV personalities in the world. The quiz show QI that he hosts was a major source of entertainment for me this summer and I am always amazed at the things he produces.

His newest show Planet Word is no exception. It's absolutely fascinating to watch and makes the science of language accessible.

If you're interested in communication at any extent you should watch it. Writers don't even have a choice, you have to watch this. 

The next 3 segments are after the jump.

That Collaboration Is, Like, Totally Radical...Man.

Tor Myhren, Grey's President/CCO, spoke at University of Denver's very own TEDxDU event earlier this year. The talk is about collaboration and creativity. Not groundbreaking stuff but a nice reminder of how we work and what works for us. Wish my university did cool stuff like this, or that I had decided to choke down DU's bill. (via)

Weekly Linkly (Punctuality Impaired Edition)

You know what they always say: Two days late means two links richer.

Video (on 7 second tape delay)

Agoraphobic woman sets out to meet all her facebook friends. Could be a cool flick.

Who knew that concrete and music could be this captivating? Probably the guy who made this video. (via)

Case study pastiche, oh my! This is my favorite entry in this year's "The Big Ad Gig."

Thoughts of Home

You know something is really good when it makes you nostalgic for an experience you've never had. This riverboat cruise video is no exception --though I wouldn't have minded a little John Denver for the back track. Then again, rivers aren't exactly roads, and St. Louis isn't really country.

Ignore my rambling and enjoy.

My eyeballs must hate me

I've just started on a new project that is consuming my time. I can't tell you exactly what it is but it's an opportunity I am very grateful for. It's an online venture so I have been spending an inordinate amount of time in front of my computer screen over the past few day.

My eyeballs and my brain are going nuts. Eyeballs from staring at the screen and brain from trying to get acclimated to the new situation. It's been wild and stressful and my friends have all been extremely nice (thanks for that, guys). What I'm working on now has me really excited and frightened at the same time. It can simultaneously feel like I am winning and loosing.

But I persist.

What this situation has done, more than anything, is make me realize how important time off is. How little missing a tweet means. How little letting one video go unwatched means. How time away from the screen is actually well spent.

I'll still be around here. Still posting regularly. And still focusing on helping out students in good and bad ad programs alike. When I write here now it feels like my safe haven. And that is nice.

So stop reading for a second and take a step outside and do something. That's my only advice this week.

ps: I have two posts in the making that I am very excited for. Stay tuned!!!

Weekly Linkly (Labor Day Blowout Special)

We're selling links of all shapes and sizes! Drop on by today and buy, buy, BUY!

And we've got plenty of video too:

A London bus tour that "made London look cool like New York." (via)

 Laughs from the uber talented Everynone.

Show this to your friends when they say they don't understand why color grading matters.

All About That Soft n' Spready Goodness

Because a slab of butter is EXACTLY what you need to start your morning afternoon off right.

I'm working on a campaign for a local co-op and these commercials for Mainland Butter* popped into my brain. I ran across them this summer and thought they were brilliant. They still stand up a year later, unsuprisingly.

The suprising part is that neither has broken a paltry 2,000 views! I guess everyone isn't scouring the web for butter ads, but that's why you come here, right?

So watch these while you think of what you're going to order for lunch. Just try not to drool on the screen.

*Lovingly churned out by Colenso BBDO.

Weekly Linkly (Now Cruising At 34,000 feet Edition)

This post brought to you by the magic of scheduled posts. Because in-flight WiFi is only possible dreams when you fly American Airlines!

Our Selected Films:

Steampunk. It's not art, it's a lifestyle. (via)

The cooelst doc you'll ever see about a man's underwater diving career.

This concludes our inflight entertainment. We hope you choose AdCaulk the next time you need links.